“The driving force in humanity is economics.” Kojo Lumumba Bandele
“…So the lineage of capitalism passes naturally from the earliest Babylonian merchants through the medieval burghers to the early bourgeois and finally to the industrial capitalist.” The Origin of Capitalism; A Longer View, Ellen Meiksins, 2002.
Why does economics matter? Because everything that one does each day, hour, minute, and second, is precisely determined by the economic paradigm that governs one’s life.
The question that remains unanswered is when will capitalism and racism, European constructs consistent with Caucasian culture, end? There are close to 7.993 billion people on this planet who need the demise of capitalism and racism immediately, if not sooner.
When I use the word capitalism, I am talking about the European economic paradigm, before and after the introduction of the Monetary Economy, which was introduced between 1650 and 1704. When I use the word European and or Caucasian, I am talking about a culture, not the melanin content of a peoples’ skin.
Capitalism, which has continuously evolved since Alexander III invaded Africa (Egypt) in 332 BC, established and articulated the reasoning for the European collecting and controlling all of the human and natural resources necessary for the production, distribution and consumption of the goods and services essential to the growth and evolution of an organized people.
It was both purposeful and deliberate. And it was concomitant with the Europeans having stolen lands and peoples. Capitalism and racism (white supremacy) will die when the lies are exposed, and the truth is told. Here’s one truth for you.
The Transitive Law of Mathematics: if a=b, and b=c, then a=c; should give you pause. If you support capitalism, you (a) are a capital. Since capitalism (b) equals white supremacy/racism (c), you are racist. [You have survived other truths, and you will survive this one.]
“The question of the origin of capitalism may seem arcane, but it goes to the heart of assumptions deeply rooted in our culture, widespread and dangerous illusions about the so-called ‘free’ market and its compatibility with democracy, social justice and ecological sustainability. Thinking about future alternatives to capitalism requires us to think about alternative conceptions of the past.” The Origin of Capitalism; A Longer View, Ellen Meiksins, 2002
Ms. Meiksins, are you calling “America” a lie? She states very clearly that “widespread and dangerous illusions about the so-called ‘free’ market and its compatibility with democracy, social justice and ecological sustainability…requires us to think about alternative conceptions of the past.”
The lies told today, “widespread and dangerous ‘illusions’ about the so-called ‘free’ market and its compatibility with democracy, social justice and ecological sustainability.”, force us to now look at the past. ‘His-story’ must be reexamined. For all of you’ll religious folk, check out John 8: 39-44.
How will all of this get sorted? Capitalism is not the answer. Pope Francis said so.
On December 8, 2020, at 9:17 pm (EST), nbcnews.com posted a story by Haley Messinger. The headline bellowed:
Big business gets its wings as leaders from Major U.S. Companies partner with Pope Francis: Capitalism met Catholicism on Tuesday, as some of the world’s biggest business and investment leaders announced a new partnership with Pope Francis.
As quiet as it’s kept, big business was birthed with wings. And their partnership was only being renewed. It was like thunder, clapping loudly and forcefully, when I read Pope Francis’ statement regarding the Partnership. He said,
“An economic system that is fair, trustworthy and capable of addressing the most profound challenges facing humanity and our planet is urgently needed.”
Pope Francis and I are in complete agreement. Capitalism, never has, and never will, meet the needs of humanity. War, climate change, a 100-year pandemic, and the growing economic disparity between the European (10% of world population) and people of color (90% of world population) only exacerbate the problem. There is, an urgent need for a solution, and capitalism is not the answer. Capitalism is the cause of our problems. Our exigent circumstances demand change.
The Pope and his partners, even if they were truly sincere in their attempt (which they are not), are not capable of solving “the most profound challenges facing humanity and our planet…”
I must repeat my mantra,
“A problem cannot be solved by the consciousness that created it.” Albert Einstein
A very wise man once said that one need not condemn a dirty glass. He said sit a clean glass next to it and let the people decide which vessel they choose.
I am offering Equism, a new Economic Paradigm; a clean, clear, transparent glass, visible to the whole world. So, I will try to minimize my critique of something dirty, decadent, and deadly; and present the next phase of the management of our home, Mother Earth.
Please see my book, Capitalism Birthed Racism; When Will Racism End, and What Will Replace Capitalism: Equism is the Harbinger!, c.2022, for the specific details.