Who is afraid of the Black Man?

If I told you that is the name of a game being played in school yards across Switzerland, as you read this; would you believe me?
On October 3, 2022, at 1:54 PM EDT, nbcnews.com posted an article by Reuters. I am glad that I took the time to read it. The headline was direct:
Switzerland has ‘systemic’ racism issues, UN experts say –
A U.N.-appointed working group voiced concerns about the prevalence of racial discrimination and highlighted several incidents following a visit to the country this year.
Until I read the article, I certainly didn’t know of the game, but in reality, that is the fear European/Caucasians live with, every day, worldwide. Why do European/Caucasians fear the African?
I offer three (3) things for you to consider:
- Fear of Revenge from African people because of the slavery, suffering and death we Africans, and other people of color, have experienced ever since Alexander III invaded Africa (Egypt) over 2300 years ago.
- European/Caucasian fear of genetic annihilation.
- Frances Cress Welsing’s Theory of Color Confrontation. (See Isis Papers).
Switzerland has a serious systemic problem with racism against people of African descent, according to a report presented to the U.N. Human Rights Council on Monday, giving a broad range of examples from police brutality to a children’s game.
The U.N.-appointed working group…voiced concerns about the prevalence of racial discrimination and highlighted several incidents following a visit to the country this year.
“The ubiquity and impunity of this misconduct indicates a serious systemic problem exists,” it said.
Switzerland’s ambassador to the U.N. in Geneva broadly accepted the findings in comments to the council, although questioned the experts’ use of a limited number of examples to draw wider conclusions.
“Landlocked Switzerland was never a colonial power, but its banks, traders and municipalities invested heavily and benefited from the transatlantic triangular trade,” the report said.
It noted efforts to raise public awareness about aspects of Swiss history, such as a petition and debate around the removal of the statue of a banker whose fortune relied on exploitation of enslaved Africans, in the canton of Neuchatel.
However, others remained valorized such as Louis Agassiz, an advocate of scientific racism, who has an Alpine peak named after him. Swiss playground games persist such as “Who is afraid of the Black man?” that have a racially discriminatory effect, the experts said. The report also noted “shocking” police brutality, noting the deaths of several Black men in the Vaud canton.
“Switzerland agrees with your observation that racism and racial discrimination — including against people of African descent — are problems that must be tackled as a matter of urgency,” Jurg Lauber told the Geneva-based Human Rights Council on Monday.
I would only be feigning disbelief if I were to act shocked. Let’s remember that Pope Francis told us the state of the world when he pronounced,
“An economic system that is fair, trustworthy and capable of addressing the most profound challenges facing humanity and our planet is urgently needed.”
I am in complete agreement.
Capitalism is not the answer. Capitalism is the problem.
Fortunately for 90% of the world’s population, Capitalism is on its ‘deathbed’.
Please see my book, Capitalism Birthed Racism, When Racism Will End, And What Will Replace Capitalism: Equism is the Harbinger, c. 2022, for more information.