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Books by Kojo Lumumba Bandele:
1. Capitalism Birthed Racism; When Racism Will End, and What Will Replace Capitalism: Equism is the Harbinger!, c.2022.
Simply stated, the title of this tome speaks for itself. It is a broad outline of Equism, a new economic paradigm that speaks to a most important statement Pope Francis made in 2020.
“An economic system that is fair, trustworthy and capable of addressing the most profound challenges facing humanity and our planet is urgently needed.”
Pope Francis and I are in complete agreement. The present dystopia, a resultant of climate change, a 100-year pandemic, and the growing economic disparity between the European and people of color only exacerbate the problem. There is, an urgent need for a solution, and capitalism is not the answer for our problems. Capitalism is the cause of our problems. Our exigent circumstances demand change.
The only problem is that the Pope and his partners, even if they were truly sincere in their attempt (which they are not), are not capable of solving “the most profound challenges facing humanity and our planet…”
“A problem cannot be solved by the consciousness that created it.” – Albert Einstein
A very wise man once said that one need not condemn a dirty glass. He said sit a clean glass next to it and let the people decide which vessel they choose.
I am offering Equism, a new Economic Paradigm; a clean, clear, transparent glass, visible to the whole world. So, I will try to minimize my critique of something dirty, filthy, and deadly; and present the next phase of the management of our home, Mother Earth.
It’s already in motion.
2. I Am What Hate Produced: My Journey to Freedom in a Racist World, c.2020
I have interwoven business, religion, and politics in a narrative of my life that includes business opportunities with Muhammad Ali, Warren Buffett, Donald Trump, and other notables; interactions with institutions like The Wall Street Journal, The Washington Post, and Gannett Newspapers; and unjust incarceration by the State of Pennsylvania (5 years, 3 months, 2 days), as well as a long career in real estate development and media. I was also a Minister in the Nation of Islam under both The Honorable Elijah Muhammad, and his successor, Louis Farrakhan.
My memoir chronicles my struggle, as an African born and raised in America, to overcome the personally destructive effects of racism and white supremacy; and to grasp the freedom that all people instinctively desire.
My quest for freedom, both actual and metaphorical, occurred during a period of simultaneously profound transformation and discouraging stasis in the role of race in American society. I wasn’t born a racist; but racism made me one. The details of my psychological growth and moral development of how I was captured by racism and eventually freed myself from that prison is my essential story.
This book aims to assist and inspire others, whatever their personal history, to seek freedom; and thereby free themselves and others from the prison of racism.