Weekly Post
Do Human Beings Conspire?

What is the definition of Conspiracy?
“To act in harmony toward a common end.” – Merriam-Webster Dictionary
That is not a bad thing. That is something all humans should do, but only a few actually do. Even though our subconscious mind instinctively seeks to enable a law basic to human nature,
“Self-preservation is the duty of each and every living organism.”
it is countered by the ‘modern day educational system’ that mixes fact and fiction, resulting in human ignorance, a huge factor causing our present dystopia. Intrinsically, there is nothing wrong with doing for self as long as we remember that self is not just the individual, but also extends to family, clan, and tribe. Yes, humans are animals, so that’s how we roll, starting with pacts, herds, etc.
A synonym for conspire is collude. The Latin prefix col-, meaning “together,” and the verb ludere, “to play,” come together to form collude. “Together, to play.” [The very nature of humanity]
The related noun collusion has the specific meaning “secret agreement or cooperation.” Despite their playful history, collude and collusion have always suggested deceit or trickery rather than good-natured fun.
And to drive the point further, another synonym for conspire is scheme, which means, “a plan or program of action, especially a crafty or secret one.” Just because something is crafty or secret, doesn’t mean that it has to be bad.
Now don’t get me wrong, I am clear that most conspiracies are bad, and only benefit the perpetrators, and certainly not the victims. Unfortunately Western Civilization (European culture) has given the word and the world it’s present meaning of “bad.”
When I am discussing the presented material, I do so with the clear understanding that, “it is human nature to conspire, together to play; and act in harmony toward a common end.” but I am also clear that 99% of humanity has been deliberately divided for the past 2,300 years; and does not presently act in its own best interest. But rest assured that the other 1% the leaders of the pack do, and execute daily.
Before moving on, the word theory, must be discussed, and distinguished from the word fact. Why? Because the term ‘conspiracy theory’ has been bandied about lately, particularly in reference to Jews.
According to Wikipedia, A theory is a rational type of abstract thinking about a phenomenon, or the results of such thinking. The process of contemplative and rational thinking is often associated with such processes as observational study or research.
What is a theory vs hypothesis?
A hypothesis is an assumption made before any research has been done. It is formed so that it can be tested to see if it might be true. A theory is a principle formed to explain the things already shown in data.
If I observe something, and as a result of my abstract thinking about the observed phenomenon, come to a conclusion; I have established a theory, at least in my own mind. When Dave Chappelle observed, “a lot of Jews in Hollywood”, did he develop a theory (he certainly didn’t offer one), or just state a fact. I promise, just one last definition. A fact is,
something that actually exists; reality; truth: – www.dictionary.com.
a thing that is known to be true, especially when it can be proved. – Oxford
Can Dave Chappelle prove what he believed he observed?
The Jewish Telegraphic Agency (JTA) reported,
On “Saturday Night Live” last weekend, Dave Chappelle really wanted his audience to know there are a lot of Jews in Hollywood. “I’ve been to Hollywood, this is just what I saw,” he said during his widely dissected monologue. “It’s a lot of Jews. Like, a lot.”
I can prove it as a fact Brother Dave. I am not offering a ‘conspiracy theory’. Dave, an African Griot, is great at what he does, and Zionists aren’t stupid, so they are now determined to discredit him and destroy his career, even though he tried to “buy some time” in his monologue 😊. (He walked away from $50 million dollars, so I don’t think the threat to his “Hollywood” career will frighten Brother Dave.) They thought they had my brother on the LGBTQ and Trans tip, but they failed. Brother Dave, being who he is, didn’t stop his observations, that are real and can be proved (I promised no more definitions, so I will leave the word real alone, for the moment). So let’s get on with it.
I believe all human beings, in order to survive, should plan and devise a program of action to produce the goods and services necessary for their nation’s survival, growth, and development. So don’t get mad at the Jewish people for following a basic law of Nature (self-preservation), I know I am not mad at the Jewish people. I actually have a great deal of respect for some of them. Included are my former business partners Harold Sarshik and Mike Levitt, as well as heroic men like Theodor Herzl and Albert Einstein.
The only criticism that you could possibly direct at the Jews is that they don’t seem to share their wealth with the ‘goy’. But that isn’t a valid critique because what LAW says that the Jews should do for the ‘goy’? [certainly not Jewish law] Particularly in this day and time, the Information Age. Today we are all quite capable of doing for self. We just need truthful information so we can govern ourselves accordingly. I must invoke the wise sage, Satchel Paige,
“It ain’t what you know that will hurt you, it’s what you know, that just ain’t so.
I did say that I can prove what Brother Dave said he observed to a be an actual fact. I will start with the Motion Picture Industry. Time will not permit me to also provide information regarding: Broadcast Media, Print Media, Investment Banking [the Rothchild Bank], Insurance [Lloyd’s of London, the granddaddy of the industry], Gems & Precious Metals [DeBeer’s, Rio Tinto, and Engelhard to name a few], Real Estate [Kaufman & Broad, Michael’s Development Company, and Toll Brothers are just a few], Food Distribution, Clothing, Government [the present Secretaries of State, Treasury, and Justice to start, and Educational Institutions and their pedagogy . All from a population that is maybe, 1% of America’s population. That’s one hell of a coincidence.😊 Those discussions will come later, and then you can draw your own conclusions.
Here are the facts about the US Motion Picture Industry, pervasive in every country but China, North Korea, Iran, Cuba, and Venezuela. The motion picture industry is only one of the many sectors of life in America that are owned and controlled by Jewish people, wittingly and unwittingly, on behalf of Zionists (economically and politically). I make a clear distinction between the Jewish people who practice Judaism, and the Zionists who want to continue their factual economic and political control of our Mother Earth.
Fortunately for humanity, President Xi – General Secretary of the Peoples Republic of China – is a formidable adversary to Capitalism, Zionism’s present economic paradigm. General Secretary Xi has the will, and the blessing of China’s 1.4 billion people), as well as the largest standing army, with the latest weapons’ technology. Why are the Chinese about to send men to the moon, something America said it did over 50 years ago, and hasn’t done since? Did American technology take a 53-year holiday? Hmmm.
Who do you think will win the pending war?
“It ain’t no fun when the rabbit’s got the gun. – Amer African Proverb
While suggesting that it might not be fair to say Jews run the industry, the comedian said that coming to that conclusion, “is not a crazy thing to think, but it’s a crazy thing to say out loud in a climate like this.” The Anti-Defamation League was quick to denounce Chappelle’s act, calling it antisemitic. Other prominent Jews have followed suit.
“I was very disturbed to see him speaking, to millions of people, a lot of antisemitic tropes,” Pamela Nadell, a professor at American University who researches antisemitism, told the Jewish Telegraphic Agency.
But Chappelle, who was himself riffing on recent antisemitism controversies involving Ye and Kyrie Irving, wasn’t exactly breaking new ground by insinuating that Jews run Hollywood. The trope has been a part of show business since its earliest days — when, in a literal sense, Jews did run Hollywood.
According to the JTA story,
“Nearly every major movie studio was founded in the early 20th century by a group of first-generation secular Jews who immigrated to the United States from Eastern Europe. Carl Laemmle (Universal), Adolph Zukor (Paramount), William Fox (Fox), Louis B. Mayer (MGM), and Benjamin Warner (Warner) were all Jewish silver-screen pioneers, laying the groundwork for the size and scale of the industry to follow.” [Who financed them? That’s for another day.]
Let’s look at those studios today. Universal, now NBCUniversal, is owned by Comcast Corporation, (owned and controlled by the Roberts family, with major financing from private and public Israeli sources); Paramount is owned by Viacom/CBS (the Sumner Redstone [nee Rothstein] family); Fox is owned by Disney (operating again under Robert Iger); MGM is owned by Amazon, which is owned by Jeff Bezos; and Warner which is owned by Warner Bros. Discovery, and operated by CEO David Zaslav. If you want, I will send you a copy of the number of media companies owned and controlled by each of these industry giants. Their tenacles also reach Broadcast & Cable Television, Radio, and Internet Services, which are inextricably bound together in a legal maze that you won’t sort through anytime soon.
This information is not a theory, much less a conspiracy theory. I have already dealt with the definitions of ‘conspiracy’ and ‘theory’. These are facts.
Recently, in a New York Times interview, Spielberg acknowledged that Hollywood was a welcoming place for Jews when he arrived as a young filmmaker.
“Being Jewish in America is not the same as being Jewish in Hollywood,” he said while promoting “The Fabelmans,” a loose retelling of his own Jewish upbringing. “Being Jewish in Hollywood is like wanting to be in the popular circle and immediately being accepted as I have been in that circle, by a lot of diversity but also by a lot of people who in fact are Jewish.”
And here is the irony of all ironies.
At the same time as Jews in and out of the industry are fighting such perceptions, they are also pushing for greater visibility. The unveiling of the new Academy Museum of Motion Pictures in Los Angeles last year almost entirely omitted Jews from Hollywood’s founding narrative, leading to backlash from Jews in the industry and, ultimately, the guarantee of a new permanent exhibition space focusing on Jews. – Originally appeared on JTA.org
Of course they should push. The Jewish people are proud of their culture, as they should be. They have come a long way to be where they are today.
The following quote from Chancellor Williams’ seminal work, The Destruction of Black Civilizations, 1974, paints a picture that is still seen today. This was said almost 50 years ago, and it is true today for people of all colors, not just so-called ‘black’ people.
“The outlook is grim. For the Black people of the world there is no bright tomorrow. The Blacks continue to live in their dream world of singing, dancing, marching, praying, and hoping – still trusting in the ultimate justice of the white man, but a thousand years hence their decedents will be substantially where the race was a thousand years before.
For the white people, still masters of the world, are not about to yield. They still own and control the wealth of Africa, directly and indirectly, and from it, along with that from other areas of the world, they have developed technologies and a world commerce that assure them of continued white supremacy.
This phenomenal success, this unquestionable position of strength, derived from their conquests of others and their wealth, has led them to believe that they are, as a matter of fact, the superior people and therefore, the rightful rulers of this planet.
Why then should they be expected to yield? ‘Human Rights’? ‘Equal Rights’? What are these but narcotic slogans for the masses – even the white masses – which are quickly conceded as ‘ideals’ and ‘principles’ everywhere.”
When will Africans of the Diaspora, those seeking freedom, justice, and equality of opportunity, wake up, and in unity, conspire?
“It is human nature to conspire, together to play; and act in harmony toward a common end.”
It’s our only path to Freedom. We must develop a plan and program of action NOW.
For further information, please see my book, Capitalism Birthed Racism: When Racism Will End, and What Will Replace Capitalism; Equism is the Harbinger.
It contains a plan of action that I hope you find agreeable.
Weekly Post
Donald J. Trump Has Completely Lost His Mind: Have Black Folks Lost Their Mind, Too?

The following headline and story, by Corinne Ramey and Alex Leary, was updated March 24, 2023, 5:17 pm ET. I found written confirmation of what I thought I heard on a news report earlier in the day.
Trump Suggests New York Indictment Could Bring ‘Potential Death and Destruction’ — Former president urges supporters to fight back, while GOP allies call for any protests to be peaceful
NEW YORK — Donald Trump is escalating threatening rhetoric as a Manhattan grand jury hearing evidence about his role in paying hush money to a porn star is set to reconvene next week and many of his GOP allies have suggested any protests should be peaceful.
The former president and 2024 White House candidate early Friday lashed out on social media at Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg and questioned why he would be charged, “when it is known by all that NO Crime has been committed, & also known that potential death & destruction in such a false charge could be catastrophic for our Country?”
What a narcissistic statement. If he is indicted, he suggests “potential death & destruction…could be catastrophic for our Country.” Trump is suggesting another Civil War in America. From his perspective, if he can’t have America on his terms, then there will be no America. This is white privilege, hopefully in its final hour of destruction.
I know it’s rhetorical, but who the fuck does Donald Trump think he is? I met him once, when he and Stephen M. Ross were owners of the New Jersey Generals, so I know who he is. Needless to say, he was an arrogant, condescending narcissist then, and he has only mellowed with age.
He dismissed the prosecutor as “a degenerate psychopath” who “hates the USA!”
It appears that the only one who is “a degenerate psychopath” who “hates the USA” is Donald Trump. He is willing to foment, and have American endure American Civil War II, if, like a spoiled child, he can’t have it his way.
A spokeswoman for Mr. Bragg declined to comment. Mr. Bragg has previously said, “we are investigating thoroughly and following the facts without fear or favor.”
The brother doesn’t appear to be afraid; he appears to be determined, as he should be. And it’s good to see him with law enforcement protection.
The suggestion of violence ratchets up earlier calls by Mr. Trump for his supporters to protest should he face indictment. On Saturday, he said he would be arrested this past Tuesday, though aides quickly conceded that was speculative and there had been no notification from the district attorney’s office.
So far only small groups have demonstrated in New York and near Mr. Trump’s Mar-a-Lago compound in Florida, but authorities are closely monitoring the situation should an indictment come.
Democratic officials in New York and elsewhere have rallied around Mr. Bragg as Mr. Trump’s threats have increased. On Friday, Rev. Al Sharpton, Rep. Adriano Espaillat (D., N.Y.) and others in a joint statement called Mr. Bragg a “respected, courageous, ethical and thoughtful lawyer.”
“These ugly, hateful and anti-American attacks on our judicial system must be universally condemned without equivocation or hesitation,” they said.
Asked about Friday’s rhetoric, a spokesman for Mr. Trump said, “What Alvin Bragg is doing represents the death and destruction of the justice system.”
Trump and his people are really pushing the line ‘death and destruction,’ a new ‘dog’ whistle.
No former U.S. president has faced criminal charges. Mr. Trump has said he would continue his presidential campaign no matter what happens and he has a rally planned Saturday in Waco, Texas, which lands amid the 30th anniversary of the deadly standoff between federal authorities and Branch Davidian leader David Koresh, a moment that helped intensify far-right mistrust of the government.
The statements fit a familiar pattern for Mr. Trump, who has for years unleashed slashing attacks on his critics and the justice system, portraying himself as a victim of a widespread conspiracy to end his political career. Earlier this week, he posted a photo of himself holding a baseball bat next to a photo of Mr. Bragg’s head.
That photo, which he has since deleted, is why I ask the question, have Black folks lost their mind? A crass former U.S. President ignorantly displays his intellect with a baseball bat. I would love to tell you what I would like to do with that bat.
I am angry. My brother Alvin Bragg, while doing his job, is threatened by a ‘mob’ tool, and it incenses me, as it should incense and anger all black folks. Trump’s real problem is that a sister in Atlanta, and a brother in New York have the nerve, and audacity, to label him a criminal, with the facts to back up their claims of wrongdoing.
Black folks need to issue our own statement suggesting that any harm coming to our Brother Bragg, will bring about ‘death and destruction.’ If a black person makes that statement, they are arrested. Pallor-ass Donald Trump makes the statement and he is applauded and worshipped.
Only crazy people who have lost their mind would tolerate the inhuman suffering the masses of our folk continue to endure in the United States of America. Brothers and Sister, please tell me you haven’t lost your mind. Please acknowledge, as hard as it may be, that America doesn’t work for CHOSSA (Children Of Stolen And Sold Africans).
A number of GOP leaders have tried to mitigate Mr. Trump’s actions, including House Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R., Calif.) who called for protests to be peaceful. “We want calmness out there,” he said Sunday. Mr. Trump responded Thursday in an all-caps message.
“Everybody knows I’m 100% innocent, including Bragg, but he doesn’t care,” he wrote. “He is just carrying out the plans of the radical left lunatics. Our country is being destroyed, as they tell us to be peaceful!”
It sounds like Donald Trump wants a fight. I know that he really doesn’t want to fight because he is the anatomical void that only exists between a woman’s legs. I would love to accommodate him. I actually fantasize about me, being in a one on one fight with Donald. He and I are the same age even though I am 3–4 months older than him, he is 30–40 pounds heavier than me, so that’s a wash. There was no need for a purse nor financial award for the winner. I get the satisfaction and enjoyment of kicking his ass, unmercifully, until the referee stops me.
Fiction Isn’t Self-generating
Fiction Is An Artist’s Reaction to Reality
Reality Creates Fiction
Fiction is An Artist’s Response to Reality
All A Perpetual Helix
Under Whose Control?
Let It Be Ours
Not the Adversaries’ — Kojo Lumumba Bandele, March 25, 2023
Weekly Post
Unanswered Questions
Have you ever come across news story that raises more questions than it answers? An article published by nbcnews.com on March 10, 2022, was written by Johnathan Allen, Stephanie Ruhle, and Charlie Herman, is such an article. It begins,
“Goldman Sachs, the giant New York investment bank, is cashing in on the war in Ukraine by selling Russian debt to U.S. hedge funds — and using a legal loophole in the Biden administration’s sanctions to do it.”
A shareholder of the New York Federal Reserve Bank is engaged in the business of selling Russian debt to U.S. hedge funds during the present Russian-Ukrainian ‘war’/’conflict’?
That activity raises a few questions, and only because the New York Federal Reserve Bank, one of twelve Federal Reserve Banks in the United States, and the most powerful, even though privately owned and operated, is the Central Bank of the United States of America, and therefore: the “ Central Bank of the World”.
Why would a member of the Central Bank of the USA, while America is engaged in a ‘cold’ war with Russia, assist the Russian war effort by arranging the sale of Russian debt to U. S. hedge funds?
Before I go any further, let me dispel a few notions, and deal with a few definitions so we are on the same page. My son’s first response to my initial draft of this piece was accusatory, “here you go again dad, dealing with conspiracy theories.” What does it mean to conspire? One definition is:
“To act in harmony toward a common end.” – Merriam-Webster Dictionary
That is not a bad thing. That is something all humans should do, but only some do.
A synonym for conspire is collude. The Latin prefix col-, meaning “together,” and the verb ludere, “to play,” come together to form collude. “Together, to play.” (The very nature of humanity, remember; we are animals).
The related noun collusion has the specific meaning, “secret agreement or cooperation.” Despite their playful history, collude and collusion have always suggested deceit or trickery rather than good-natured fun. Another synonym for conspire is scheme which means, “a plan or program of action especially a crafty or secret one; a systematic or organized configuration; a concise statement or table; a graphic sketch or outline.” Just because something is crafty or secret, doesn’t mean that it has to be bad.
Now don’t get me wrong, I am clear that most conspiracies are bad, and only benefit the perpetrators, not the victims. Unfortunately, Western Civilization (European culture) has given the word it’s present meaning of “bad.” The article continues.
“In interviews with a dozen investors, current and former U.S. government officials and financial analysts, a recurring theme emerged: The Biden administration’s concern for U.S. investors, including major companies that broker deals for a buck, has stopped it from cracking down harder on Russia and left open the possibility that unsanctioned Putin cronies could gain access to cash by selling debt through Goldman Sachs.
Goldman’s effort to profit from the war highlights the complexities the Biden administration faces in trying to punish Russia without harming Wall Street and the economies of the U.S. and its allies. And it is a stark reminder that no asset is too toxic to be traded when there are willing buyers, sellers and brokers.
As the Western world scrambles to defend Ukraine by locking down Russian money, the company is acting as a broker between Moscow’s creditors and U.S. investors, pitching clients on the opportunity to take advantage of Russia’s war-crippled economy by buying its debt securities low now and selling them high later, according to four financial world sources familiar with the strategy.”
It is a strategy they have employed for the past few centuries (The Battle of Waterloo comes to mind).
“…That does not violate the U.S. sanctions regime, but it is very different from the public face Goldman is putting on its relationship with Russia. In an emailed statement, Goldman is telling the public that it is “winding down” its business in Russia, portraying its actions as supportive of America’s effort to stop Russian President Vladimir Putin.
There is nothing illegal about brokering Russian debt trades. In fact, the Biden administration gave investment firms a green light to trade in Russian assets.
Why is it not illegal, and why did the Biden Administration green light the trade?
A spokesperson for Goldman Sachs said in an email Thursday: “Winding down our operations in Russia and supporting our clients around the globe in managing and closing out their market obligations are not mutually exclusive.
When U.S. officials sanctioned Russian banks this month, it became illegal for U.S. companies to do business directly with major Russian financial institutions. But the Treasury Department’s Office of Foreign Assets Control, or OFAC, issued a memo affirming the legal legitimacy of trading Russian assets in “secondary markets” — those not directly involving the Russian banks. That’s why Goldman can act as a broker.
The sanctions action “does not prohibit trading in the secondary markets for debt or equity” of the Russian central bank, the Russian national wealth fund or the Russian Finance Ministry, as long as those institutions aren’t parties to the trades and the debts were issued before March 1, OFAC wrote.
Why is Goldman Sachs not publicly disclosing the truth about their personal conflict of interests in the matter? Who are the Moscow creditors referred to in the article? Who does Moscow owe money to? Who are the U.S. investors purchasing Russian debt? Why would U.S. investors purchase bonds from persons or entities in a nation that their country is at ‘war’ with? According to the story, here is one thing to consider.
“Russian sovereign debt is awash throughout our economy,” said a senior administration official who spoke on the condition of anonymity to explain the administration’s reluctance to ban the trading of Russian debt. “It’s just infused into our economy. It’s so pervasive.
Most of the sovereign debt in question is in Russian bonds issued through government channels, including the Russian central bank. Government bonds are tools for countries to raise money from investors. While the crumbling Russian economy has made Russian debt of little current value, some investors believe it will rebound at some point in the future, allowing them to turn a profit.”
Why are countries, including Russia and the United States, borrowing money; and from whom? As a sovereign entity, why don’t nations mint, print, and issue their own currency? The news story continues.
“The official said blocking all Russian debt trades could mess — the official used a different four-letter word — with financial markets in the U.S. and other countries in unintended ways.
“We can sanction new sovereign debt,” the official said, pointing to the recent ban on trading assets created after March 1. “We have not gotten into the game — and the Hill is looking into this — of how you could sanction debt that’s already in the marketplace.”
And speaking of sanctions,
“The sanctions against Russia are more lenient than those the Trump administration imposed on Venezuela, which included a broad ban on trading government debt — with exemptions to allow for divestment — according to investors and former U.S. officials familiar with the policy.
…But a current U.S. official and a former U.S. official said an all-out ban could hurt U.S. investors — including major pension funds — that bought sovereign debt before the invasion of Ukraine.
Most investors have shied away from the obvious public relations risk of profiting from Russia’s war, but Goldman Sachs, JPMorgan Chase and many hedge funds have gotten in on the action. In most cases, the buyers do not know the identities of the sellers, and no regulation requires brokers to disclose the identities publicly.
That means the public may never know whether profits are derived by pumping money into the pockets of Putin’s cronies when Russia faces a cash crunch. In other words, it is more clear that U.S. investors — and middlemen like Goldman Sachs — are profiting from the cheap cost of Russian debt and less clear who is benefiting from the sales.
While Goldman is dealing mostly in Russian government debts, JPMorgan Chase has brokered deals for the debt of private Russian companies as a “recovery play,” Bloomberg News reported.”
JPMorgan Chase, another large shareholder of the New York Federal Reserve Bank, has managed to avoid the spotlight but is still a major financial player in the ‘war’.
“JPMorgan announced late Thursday that it is also” winding down” its business in Russia while acknowledging that it has been assisting clients in Russia-related trades. On March 4, as Russia was attacking Ukraine, the investment bank’s research team issued a report recommending that clients buy Russian corporate bonds.”
Do you want answers to the questions this news story raises?
Please continue to watch this space.
And remember, humans do “act in harmony toward a common end.”
Let’s you and I get started.
Please hit me back with your thoughts.
Weekly Post
Putin. Are you serious?
The headline of an article that posted on nbcnews.com, June 17, 2022, 9:46 AM EDT, by Patrick Smith and Kevin Collier, not only caught my attention, but it also ‘blew my mind.’
“The previous world order is finished,” the Russian leader said in an address to the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum on Friday.
“A defiant Vladimir Putin declared Friday that the Western order was collapsing, brushing aside the economic and diplomatic fallout from his invasion of Ukraine in a speech the Kremlin billed as “extremely important.”
Because Russia is a Western nation and part of the ‘Western order’, Putin has a front row seat to the economic ‘collapse’ that is coming; but why is he announcing it to the world, particularly at an International Economic Forum in St. Petersburg, Russia?
“…Putin argued that the era of America’s global dominance was at an end and claimed that the sanctions “blitzkrieg” imposed on Moscow’s economy by Washington and its allies had failed.”
During that speech Putin also said,
“The current crises on the global economy, which is due to the ill-conceived and selfish actions of some countries who use financial mechanisms to blame others the world over for their own macroeconomic policy faults…” – Vladimir Putin via CNN
Putin was referring to Capitalism, and the work of the Fed, the privately owned and controlled Central Bank of the United States. The collapsing ‘world order’ Putin speaks of is poised to throw the US economy, and therefore the world economy, into a resounding recession/depression that will surpass the economic devastation created by the Great Depression that began with the Stock Market collapse in 1929. On the same CNN broadcast, Putin, referring to America said,
“They live in the past on their own under their own delusions…They think that…they have won and that everything else is a colony, a backyard…And the people living there are second class citizens.”
Putin feels disrespected but has maintained his vision for the future of Russia. He has one fatal flaw. Putin’s error is in equating ‘America’s global dominance’ with the ‘previous world order’, which is the present world order. America’s ‘global dominance’ is a subset of the ‘present world order’. Russia is also a part of the ‘previous/present world order’ but not a major player, much to Putin’s chagrin. They are connected because America is a subset of the present world order, but America is not ‘the’ world order, and that is Putin’s error.
Presently, Capitalism/White Supremacy, is the prevailing economic paradigm, but it is larger than just America. The economic failure of America will not ultimately damage the wealth of the ‘ruling elite’. In my book Capitalism Birthed Racism: When Will Racism End, and What Will Replace Capitalism? Equism is the Harbinger, c2022 I offer that Capitalism/White Supremacy, has existed for the past 2,300 years. Today, Capitalism is the reason why 1/10 of 1% of the world’s population (7,000,000 people) own and control 90% of the Earth’s resources and its human population. Putin continued,
“The previous world order is finished — irrespective of all the efforts to preserve it, it’s a natural way of history,” he told the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum, an annual business meeting launched in 1997 as a Russian alternative to the World Economic Forum gathering in Davos, Switzerland.”
“A situation with “One strong power with a limited circle of countries [in support]” was “not stable,” he said, adding that it was a mistake for the U.S. to have claimed victory in the Cold War and to have treated other countries “like colonies.”
The mistake is Putin’s. He is tired of Russia being a colony without realizing that America is still a colony. The economic paradigm Capitalism now operates in both America and Russia, and they are still ‘colonies’ of the ruling elite. Communism was an experiment that failed, as Capitalism has failed today.
“…to have treated other countries ‘like colonies” is an incredible revelation. What is Putin’s motive for raising this issue? Putin sees America collapsing economically, without realizing that Russia is now operating under the same “financial mechanisms” controlled by the ruling elite. Maybe Putin only wants Russia to take America’s place at the ‘Table’?
Putin doesn’t want to overturn the ‘Table’ that Capitalism has ‘set’, he just wants a seat at the ‘Table’; and America’s seat will do him fine. Capitalism works for Putin, as long as he is the political leader of the perceived seat of power. Vladimir feels he proved his ability in 2014 with the annexation of Crimea, and now again with the Ukraine war.
Putin said the war in Ukraine, which he maintains was launched to protect Russian-speaking people in the country’s east, was the decision of a sovereign country based on the right to defend its security.
“All the objectives of the special military operation will be implemented, there’s no doubt about it,” he added.
Will Putin achieve his objective? Will Russia (90% Caucasian) replace America (50% Caucasian and losing ground) and become the new seat of perceived European/Caucasian power, while the ‘ruling elite’ and their economic paradigm Capitalism continues to dominate Earth? Everything has a life and death, including Capitalism; the deadly scourge that is still enslaving people of color world-wide (90% of Earth’s population). The article continues.
The U.S. has helped build an alliance to aid Ukraine’s defensive war with military supplies while hitting Russia’s economy with severe sanctions. Putin said his country was withstanding those efforts and pointed to increasing price inflation and energy costs across the West as evidence that those sanctions had backfired.
Costs were rising in the West “long before we launched the special military operation in the Donbas,” he added, scoffing at the idea of a “Putin price rise.”…U.N. Secretary-General António Guterres warned last week that dwindling food supplies caused by the war in Ukraine, the pandemic and climate change could lead to global unrest. “If we do not feed people, we feed conflict,” he said.
That speech, in St. Petersburg, had “…added significance for Putin. As well as being his home city, it is named after Peter the Great, the 18th-century modernizing but militant czar to whom Putin favorably compared himself to earlier this month.”
The following is an article posted on nbcnews.com on June 10, 2022, 7:35 AM EDT by Patrick Smith. It provides additional information on Putin which may help in understanding his motives.
LONDON — President Vladimir Putin has compared himself to Peter the Great, saying he shares the 18th-century czar’s goal of returning “Russian lands” to a greater empire.
Speaking after visiting an exhibition to celebrate the 350th anniversary of Peter’s birth on Thursday, Putin drew a parallel to his invasion of Ukraine.
Referring to the Ukraine invasion he said: “Apparently, it also fell to us to return [what is Russia’s] and strengthen [the country]. And if we proceed from the fact that these basic values form the basis of our existence, we will certainly succeed in solving the tasks that we face.”
Peter the First, or Peter the Great, is credited with expanding Russia into an empire and a major European power. He is also remembered for ending the supremacy of the Swedish navy in the Baltic region and expanding Russia’s borders with the seizure of Swedish land and several Baltic countries. The city named in his honor, St Petersburg, was founded on captured Swedish land. It is also Putin’s hometown.
Russia’s invasion of Ukraine has raised fears that Putin is intent not only on claiming its neighbor and former Soviet republic, but potentially has his eye on Poland, Finland and the Baltics, among others. [Sounds like Hitler’s plan to me.]
All one need do is to read Peter Alexander’s title to understand Putin’s objective. According to Wikipedia, the imperial title of Peter the Great was the following:
“By the grace of God, the most excellent and great sovereign emperor Pyotr Alekseevich the ruler of all the Russias: of Moscow, of Kyiv, of Vladimir, of Novgorod, Tsar of Kazan, Tsar of Astrakhan and Tsar of Siberia, sovereign of Pskov, great prince of Smolensk, of Tver, of Yugorsh, of Perm, of Vyatka, of Bulgaria and others, sovereign and great prince of the Novgorod Lower lands, of Chernigov, of Ryazan, of Rostov, of Yaroslavl, of Belozersk , of Udora, of Kondia, and the sovereign of all the northern lands, and the sovereign of the Iverian lands, of the Kartlian and Georgian Kings, of the Kabardin lands, of the Circassian and Mountain princes and many other states and lands western and eastern here and there and the successor and sovereign and ruler.”
I guess you get the picture. Back to Mr. Smith’s article.
“Putin has been tearing off a lot of masks — what he’s revealing rather consistently is Russia’s new imperial ambitions,” said Rory Finnin, associate professor of Ukraine studies at Cambridge University. “Russia’s war against Ukraine is now clearly a war of imperial conquest,” he added. [Putin learned that from American ‘his-story’.]
“The Kremlin’s expansion plan involves either seizing territory and replacing populations, as in the Ukrainian cities of Kherson and Mariupol, or by toppling democratic regimes to create “vassal states,” Finnin said.
Carl Bildt, a former prime minister of Sweden, said, “That’s how he sees his mission — to take back what once was claimed by Russia.” Putin has a keen interest in history and has admitted that historic precedent informs his foreign policies.
“Kyiv is the mother of Russian cities,” Putin said in a speech in March 2014, arguing that Russia and Ukraine were historically inseparable. “Ancient Rus is our common source and we cannot live without each other.” A few days later Russia annexed Ukraine’s Crimean Peninsula.
In July 2021, Putin again argued that Russia and Ukraine were part of one nation, seven months before the full Ukraine invasion began…Simon Sebag Montefiore, an acclaimed popular historian who [has] written extensively on the Romanov dynasty that ruled Russia for 300 years, said successive Russian leaders have sought to emulate Peter.
Every Romanov tsar, every Soviet leader, and here Putin, dreams of being the first emperor who managed to be [a] statesman, general conqueror, builder [and] reformer.
Let’s be clear, Peter was a tool and instrument of the ‘money’ brokers, as Putin is today. If the ruling elite believe it is in their best interests to allow Putin to ‘dream’, and to act like his behavior is acceptable, Putin is safe. He should remember though, that Sadaam Hussein thought the very same thing when Iraq invaded Kuwait, until someone didn’t like the optics, changed their mind on the issue, and decided he was dispensable.
Will Putin and Russia be admitted to the ‘club’, or will Russia remain a ‘colony’, and Putin a ‘vassal’?
What do you think?
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