The Jews Suppress Black People Through Whiteness
Not Jewishness.
There is no Jewish supremacy that is holding Black people back. There is no Jewish supremacy that is creating blocks to Black advancement. What is holding Black people back is not Jewish supremacy. What is holding Black people back is white supremacy.
Jewish people don’t control the media. White supremacy does. Jewish people don’t control the finance. White supremacy does. Jewish people don’t control the music business. White supremacy does.
And because White Supremacy controls the media, Black people are depicted negatively in the media. Because White Supremacy controls the finance, Black people are denied access to resources.
Of course, Jewish people also control the media and create a damaging narrative about Blacks. Of course, Jewish people also control the finance and deny Black people access to finance. Of course, Jewish people oppress Black people
But when Jewish people do oppress Black people, they do so through their whiteness, not through their Jewishness. What allows Jewish people to deny access to resources is not their ethnic identity. It is their race. What allows the Jewish to depict Black people as degenerates in the media is not their Jewish heritage. It is their white race.
I mean there are no Black Jews here in America or even in Israel who control large media conglomerates. There are no Black Jews anywhere in the world who control financial institutions.
So, attacking Jews is not just antisemitic, it is also misplaced. The Jews are not the enemy. White supremacy is. Yes, the Jews participate in White Supremacy but not any different than other white ethnic groups.
…Even in Israel — a self-proclaimed Jewish state — Whiteness is a valuable currency. In Israel, non-Jewish whites get treated better than Black Jews.
I mean, we read daily about the racist abuse Black Jewish Israelis are subjected to in their own homeland. But we see how white end-time evangelicals are always welcomed with open arms. Remember, these white evangelicals pray every day for the return of Jesus so that he can fulfill the end-time prophesy of basically wiping out the Jews. But still, Israel welcomes these white people while it abuses the Black Jews.
So, yes, Jewishness is not the enemy of Blacks. Whiteness is. And white Jews are as much a part of white supremacy as any other white ethnic group.
My Lovely Suque., on October 22, 2022.
Saying Jew are White is NOT Antisemitic
Most Jews are indeed White
I wrote a post [the above story] about how whiteness allows Jewish Americans to oppress Black people. Then some Jewish commenters started accusing me of being antisemitic. They accused me of being antisemitic for saying Jews are white. How? How is that antisemitic? How is stating the truth that Jews are white antisemitic?
Most Jews in America indeed are white. It is not me labeling them white, either. It is they themselves (the Jewish Americans) who label themselves white. Check out this quote from a Harvard University post:
“Race is a social construct — it is a powerful idea created by humans, not biological fact — and the boundaries of race are thus often flexible. As of 2013, 94% of US Jews identified as white”
As in, Jewish Americans pick white when asked to choose a race. Almost all American Jews self-identify as white. And they are not being delusional when they identify as White. They truly are white.
Jewish and white are not mutually exclusive. One describes “religious” heritage, the other describes one’s race.
So, of course, one can be Jewish and white. And most Jews in America are white.
Because they are white, they have white privilege. White privilege is anti-Black. It may not be something white people do actively. But White Privilege is still racism because the privilege given to white people is denied to Black people. Yes, White Privilege is passive racism. But it is still racism.
Jews don’t just participate in anti-Black racism passively, though. Some of them do so actively and willingly. Take the case of the WHITE Jewish former NYC mayor Bloomberg.
Bloomberg was on tape bragging about how his stop-and-frisk policy terrorized Black boys. He bragged about how his racist policy terrorized Black boys so much that they were too scared to leave home after dark. (Imagine being a Black parent and listening to your own mayor bragging about terrorizing your little children.)
In that same tape, he told a roomful of white people that all the criminals in NYC look the same.
“95% of your murders, murderers and murder victims fit one M.O. You can just take the description and Xerox it and pass it out to all the cops”
By“ look the same” he means they all are “young” Black men.
You can’t tell me Mike is not white. Mike Bloomberg is white. Mike is a White man. A White Jewish man. Not just a white Jewish man. A racist White Jewish man. There is nothing antisemitic about that statement.
But denying that Mike Bloomberg is white is anti-Black because when you deny his whiteness, you are denying the privilege that allowed him to terrorize Black kids. You are denying the racism of white Jews like Mike Bloomberg.
And some Jews are Black. And those Black Jews are the victims of racism from white Jews. In Israel, White Supremacy is run by white Jews. In Israel, white Jewish cops kill Black Jews and get away with it, just like white cops in America kill Black Americans and get away with it.
In that same tape, he told a roomful of white people that all the criminals in NYC look the same.
“95% of your murders, murderers and murder victims fit one M.O. You can just take the description and Xerox it and pass it out to all the cops”
By“ look the same” he means they all are “young” Black men.
You can’t tell me Mike is not white. Mike Bloomberg is white. Mike is a White man. A White Jewish man. Not just a white Jewish man. A racist White Jewish man. There is nothing antisemitic about that statement.
But denying that Mike Bloomberg is white is anti-Black because when you deny his whiteness, you are denying the privilege that allowed him to terrorize Black kids. You are denying the racism of white Jews like Mike Bloomberg.
And some Jews are Black. And those Black Jews are the victims of racism from white Jews. In Israel, White Supremacy is run by white Jews. In Israel, white Jewish cops kill Black Jews and get away with it, just like white cops in America kill Black Americans and get away with it.
My Lovely Suque. Medium, on October 24, 2022.