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Do Human Beings Conspire?

What is the definition of Conspiracy?

“To act in harmony toward a common end.” – Merriam-Webster Dictionary

That is not a bad thing.  That is something all humans should do, but only a few actually do.  Even though our subconscious mind instinctively seeks to enable a law basic to human nature,

“Self-preservation is the duty of each and every living organism.”

it is countered by the ‘modern day educational system’ that mixes fact and fiction, resulting in human ignorance, a huge factor causing our present dystopia.  Intrinsically, there is nothing wrong with doing for self as long as we remember that self is not just the individual, but also extends to family, clan, and tribe. Yes, humans are animals, so that’s how we roll, starting with pacts, herds, etc.

A synonym for conspire is collude.  The Latin prefix col-, meaning “together,” and the verb ludere, “to play,” come together to form collude.  “Together, to play.”  [The very nature of humanity] 

The related noun collusion has the specific meaning “secret agreement or cooperation.”  Despite their playful history, collude and collusion have always suggested deceit or trickery rather than good-natured fun. 

And to drive the point further, another synonym for conspire is scheme, which means, a plan or program of action, especially a crafty or secret one.  Just because something is crafty or secret, doesn’t mean that it has to be bad.

Now don’t get me wrong, I am clear that most conspiracies are bad, and only benefit the perpetrators, and certainly not the victims.  Unfortunately Western Civilization (European culture) has given the word and the world it’s present meaning of “bad.”

When I am discussing the presented material, I do so with the clear understanding that, “it is human nature to conspire, together to play; and act in harmony toward a common end.” but I am also clear that 99% of humanity has been deliberately divided for the past 2,300 years; and does not presently act in its own best interest.  But rest assured that the other 1%, the leaders of the pack do, and execute daily.

Before moving on, the word theory, must be discussed, and distinguished from the word fact.  Why?  Because the term ‘conspiracy theory’ has been bandied about lately, particularly in reference to Jews. 

According to Wikipedia,  theory is a rational type of abstract thinking about a phenomenon, or the results of such thinking. The process of contemplative and rational thinking is often associated with such processes as observational study or research. 

What is a theory vs hypothesis?

A hypothesis is an assumption made before any research has been done. It is formed so that it can be tested to see if it might be true. A theory is a principle formed to explain the things already shown in data.

If I observe something, and as a result of my abstract thinking about the observed phenomenon, come to a conclusion; I have established a theory, at least in my own mind.  When Dave Chappelle observed, “a lot of Jews in Hollywood”, did he develop a theory (he certainly didn’t offer one), or just state a fact.  I promise, just one last definition.  A fact is,

something that actually exists; reality; truth: –

a thing that is known to be true, especially when it can be proved. – Oxford

Can Dave Chappelle prove what he believed he observed? 

The Jewish Telegraphic Agency (JTA) reported,

On “Saturday Night Live” last weekend, Dave Chappelle really wanted his audience to know there are a lot of Jews in Hollywood.  “I’ve been to Hollywood, this is just what I saw,” he said during his widely dissected monologue. “It’s a lot of Jews. Like, a lot.”

I can prove it as a fact Brother Dave.  I am not offering a ‘conspiracy theory’.  Dave, an African Griot, is great at what he does, and Zionists aren’t stupid, so they are now determined to discredit him and destroy his career, even though he tried to “buy some time” in his monologue.  (He walked away from $50 million dollars, so I don’t think the threat to his “Hollywood” career will frighten Brother Dave.)  They thought they had my brother on the LGBTQ and Trans tip, but they failed.  Brother Dave, being who he is, didn’t stop his observations, that are real and can be proved (I promised no more definitions, so I will leave the word real alone, for the moment).  So let’s get on with it.

I believe all human beings, in order to survive, should plan and devise a program of action to produce the goods and services necessary for their nation’s survival, growth, and development.  So don’t get mad at the Jewish people for following a basic law of Nature (self-preservation), I know I am not mad at the Jewish people.  I actually have a great deal of respect for some of them.  Included are my former business partners Harold Sarshik and Mike Levitt, as well as iconic men like Theodor Herzl and Albert Einstein.

The only criticism that you could possibly direct at the Jews is that they don’t seem to share their wealth with the ‘goy’.  But that isn’t a valid critique because what LAW says that the Jews should do for the ‘goy’? [certainly not Jewish law]  Particularly in this day and time, the Information Age.  Today we are all quite capable of doing for self.  We just need truthful information so we can govern ourselves accordingly.  Please check out Wikipedia’s definition of ‘Court Factor’ to understand when this issue began, and how and why it began. 

I did say that I can prove what Brother Dave said he observed to a be an actual fact.  I will start with the Motion Picture Industry. Time will not permit me to also provide information regarding: Broadcast Media, Print Media, Investment Banking [the Rothchild Bank], Insurance [Lloyd’s of London, the granddaddy of the industry], Gems & Precious Metals [DeBeer’s, Rio Tinto, and Engelhard to name a few], Real Estate [Kaufman & Broad, Michael’s Development Company, and Toll Brothers are just a few], Food Distribution, Clothing, Government [the present Secretaries of State, Treasury, and Justice to start, and Educational Institutions and their pedagogy .  All from a population that is maybe, 1% of America’s population.  That’s one hell of a coincidence. Those discussions will come later, and then you can draw your own conclusions. 

Here are the facts about the US Motion Picture Industry, pervasive in every country but China, North Korea, and Iran.  The motion picture industry is only one of the many sectors of life in America that are owned and controlled by Jewish people, wittingly and unwittingly, on behalf of Zionists (economically and politically).  I make a clear distinction between the Jewish people who practice Judaism, and the Zionists who want to continue their factual economic and political control of our Mother Earth. 

Fortunately for humanity, President Xi – General Secretary of the Peoples Republic of China – is a formidable adversary to Capitalism, the Zionist economic paradigm.  He has the will, and the blessing of China’s 1.4 billion  people), as well as the largest standing army, with the latest weapons’ technology.  Why are the Chinese about to send men to the moon, something America said it did over 50 years ago, and hasn’t done since?  Did American technology take a 53-year holiday?  Hmmm. Now back to the JTA article.

While suggesting that it might not be fair to say Jews run the industry, the comedian said that coming to that conclusion, “is not a crazy thing to think, but it’s a crazy thing to say out loud in a climate like this.”  The Anti-Defamation League was quick to denounce Chappelle’s act, calling it antisemitic. Other prominent Jews have followed suit.

“I was very disturbed to see him speaking, to millions of people, a lot of antisemitic tropes,” Pamela Nadell, a professor at American University who researches antisemitism, told the Jewish Telegraphic Agency.

But Chappelle, who was himself riffing on recent antisemitism controversies involving Ye and Kyrie Irving, wasn’t exactly breaking new ground by insinuating that Jews run Hollywood. The trope has been a part of show business since its earliest days — when, in a literal sense, Jews did run Hollywood.

According to the JTA story,

“Nearly every major movie studio was founded in the early 20th century by a group of first-generation secular Jews who immigrated to the United States from Eastern Europe. Carl Laemmle (Universal), Adolph Zukor (Paramount), William Fox (Fox), Louis B. Mayer (MGM), and Benjamin Warner (Warner) were all Jewish silver-screen pioneers, laying the groundwork for the size and scale of the industry to follow.”  [Who financed them?  That’s for another day.]

Let’s look at those studios today.  Universal, now NBCUniversal, is owned by Comcast Corporation, (owned  and controlled by the Roberts family, with major financing from private and public Israeli sources); Paramount is owned by Viacom/CBS (the Sumner Redstone [nee Rothstein] family); Fox is owned by Disney (operating again under Robert Iger); MGM is owned by Amazon, which is owned by Jeff Bezos; and Warner which is owned by Warner Bros. Discovery, and operated by CEO David Zaslav.  If you want, I will send you a copy of the number of media companies owned and controlled by each of these industry giants.  Their tenacles also reach Broadcast & Cable Television, Radio, and Internet Services, which are inextricably bound together in a legal maze that you won’t sort through anytime soon.

This information is not a theory, much less a conspiracy theory.  I have already dealt with the definitions of ‘conspiracy’ and ‘theory’.  These are facts.  

Recently, in a New York Times interview, Spielberg acknowledged that Hollywood was a welcoming place for Jews when he arrived as a young filmmaker. 

“Being Jewish in America is not the same as being Jewish in Hollywood,” he said while promoting “The Fabelmans,” a loose retelling of his own Jewish upbringing. “Being Jewish in Hollywood is like wanting to be in the popular circle and immediately being accepted as I have been in that circle, by a lot of diversity but also by a lot of people who in fact are Jewish.” 

And here is the irony of all ironies.

At the same time as Jews in and out of the industry are fighting such perceptions, they are also pushing for greater visibility. The unveiling of the new Academy Museum of Motion Pictures in Los Angeles last year almost entirely omitted Jews from Hollywood’s founding narrative, leading to backlash from Jews in the industry and, ultimately, the guarantee of a new permanent exhibition space focusing on Jews. – Originally appeared on

Of course they should push.  The Jewish people are proud of their culture, as they should be.  They have come a long way to be where they are today. Contrast them with the present situation of us Africans.

The following quote from Chancellor Williams’ seminal work, The Destruction of Black Civilizations, 1974, paints a clear picture of where Africans still are today.  This was said almost 50 years ago, and it is true today for people of all colors, not just so-called ‘black’ people.

“The outlook is grim.  For the Black people of the world there is no bright tomorrow.  The Blacks continue to live in their dream world of singing, dancing, marching, praying, and hoping – still trusting in the ultimate justice of the white man, but a thousand years hence their decedents will be substantially where the race was a thousand years before. 

For the white people, still masters of the world, are not about to yield.  They still own and control the wealth of Africa, directly and indirectly, and from it, along with that from other areas of the world, they have developed technologies and a world commerce that assure them of continued white supremacy. 

This phenomenal success, this unquestionable position of strength, derived from their conquests of others and their wealth, has led them to believe that they are, as a matter of fact, the superior people and therefore, the rightful rulers of this planet.

Why then should they be expected to yield?  ‘Human Rights’?  ‘Equal Rights’?  What are these but narcotic slogans for the masses – even the white masses – which are quickly conceded as ‘ideals’ and ‘principles’ everywhere.”

When will Africans of the Diaspora, those seeking freedom, justice, and equality of opportunity; wake up, and in unity, conspire?

 “It is human nature to conspire, together to play; and act in harmony toward a common end.”  

It’s our only path to Freedom.  We must develop a plan and program of action NOW.

For further information, please see my book, Capitalism Birthed Racism: When Racism Will End, and What Will Replace Capitalism; Equism is the Harbinger.

It contains a plan of action that I hope you find agreeable.  A copy is available upon request.