Donald Trump is still trying to Catch Him. This morning, while reviewing responses to my writings on, a gentleman by the name of Kenneth Tomlin...
Back to my point, which is aided by the following post by Levi Borba, on, January 19, 2023. Chavéz and, after his death, Maduro have...
Over 100 years later, we finally get the answer. Luckily for us, Western hegemony is underpinned by the LIE that freedom, justice, and equality of opportunity...
I was very specific about what I prayed for, and absolutely sincere in my request. On behalf of CHOSSA (Children of Stolen and Sold Africans), I...
Capitalism, Marxism, and Equism Yesterday, February 11, 2023, Rustam Seerat, posted the following essay on It is an AI-generated imaginary conversation between Adam Smith and...
That’s Exactly What I Intend To Do. I quit America, and I am now actively working to build a new Model City (Nchia Baba Na Mama,...
The headline below, in the Philadelphia Inquirer newspaper today, January 22, 2023, forced me to ask myself that question again, but quietly to myself. It is...